I have come back from the most incredible trip of a lifetime. My next stop in Europe is Poland and to the TYTAX factory. I am looking forward to this experience wholeheartedly. Where have I been? Well, my journey started in Alicante Spain at the ETTG Conference hosted by the inspirational Steinar Ditlefsen. It was the perfect start for my first trip overseas. It was like a recharge of batteries to be around, so many inspiring teachers, coaches, mentors, and advocates for a world striving in excellence. I was in an outstanding company of mission-minded people.
World Renowned Stig Severinsen Guinness World Record Holder and founder of Breatheology spoke about the art of conscious breathing. It’s significance for perfecting body performance. All part of training yourself to become relaxed upon the intention. As well as, attain an advanced level of mental aptitude through a combination of ancient wisdom and medical science. The approach Encourages the full capacity of diaphragmatic breathing and breath holding — a host of other incredible speakers that we will see more of in the future.
I left there to find out just how long you can stay in Paris. Due to the fact I missed two flights. There were plenty of lessons learned. I arrived at the wondrous magical Hotel Vejlefjord in Denmark utterly exhausted. However, once there the energy of the place was like a catalyst.
Consequently, the remainder of my Breatheology Instructor Course would have days of finally meeting the fantastic people of the past few months. It was full of laughter, insights, and the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life. Spas, pools, scenery, ocean it was so precisely what I needed after such an arduous year of grief. I felt reborn into stepping into a new space and time. Ready and open to meet new challenges. I felt inspired and giddy at how the steps of my life were progressing.
I am looking forward to sharing new programs. For instance how to use TYTAX and Breatheology as a stellar performance motivator for a new level of excellence. I am going to be going to Poland in a few weeks. I will meet in person the fantastic Stanislaw Szultka and his beautiful wife. I’m so excited to be able to share the adventure with you.