Today is clean out the Pantry Day. I have decided to bite the proverbial bullet and make a Planet Oath. I will only put what I know will be good for my well-being inside my pantry and refrigerator. It means I change the way I eat, buy, and menu plan. No more wasted supplements that I allow to go out of date. Yes, I am confessing.
Four years ago it was apparent something was wrong with my husband’s body chemistry, and one year ago cancer was confirmed. Then last year he passed away. I didn’t realize how much time I spent in front of the computer researching health but not making healthy choices with my life — consumed by the detriment of such a challenging experience.
Like many, I have a lot of knowledge but my relationship with food of comfort, crave, and cave in is at an end. The realization sparked that food often used as a replacement for other natural needs like sex, companionship, and a sense of safety. It’s not an alternative that works, but it does distract the body of various desires. Temporarily the body chemistry can be led down a process of chemical, but there’s payback in the form of poor health.
I am holding myself accountable publically and making a Planet Oath. The difference with a Planet Oath and any other resolution is you don’t make it on the hope you will keep your word. It is the place inside yourself where you are done and decided. It is the mark of loyalty that you have to your future. The integrity a person infuses into their word of honor. It’compelling and effective. The ultimate cure for the habits of dysfunctional ways where we fail ourselves.
Most importantly it changes the way you vibrate consistently. A Planet Oath has the entire planet to witness your change from one mode of habit to a new sense of courage. My perspective of this oath is it’s about a healthy change that supports a fitness culture in my home.
With this concept comes a determination to have an upgraded vision complete with steps that will prove I am living my word. Accountability is rarely used these days in a social context. Mainly because anything goes atmosphere of today enables no clear right versus wrong. Society currently patterns itself as a trend of agendas easily manipulated to hold in contest or favor. I believe in personal accountability. The phrase “owning it” is one I comply with as part of adult civic excellence.
Some people can’t admit they have made a mistake. I don’t have that problem. Instead, I am a life long learner with confidence that I can learn from my mistakes. However, I admit my loyalty gene can tip my personality into a shadow side. I tend to morph into stubbornness missing the ques in life due to fear of getting it wrong. Not surprising sometimes I think I am right but find out through self-evident experience my error. The first rule of accountability admits the solution as an answer to the problem. Be confident with yourself when taking responsibility. The purpose is to get your life right not wallow in self-pity. Decide and move in a direction that will ensure success.
Here is an example of Mental Pep Talk: “Alright I see a better path I can streamline my knowledge into my pantry for a fitness producing result. I let the dysfunction of cancer shut down my good sense, but I can change it quickly. I’ll write an article about it. Help other people. Make a Planet Oath and put forth actions I can do today. I am leaping learning to live my value system. Creating recipes are for body performance that doesn’t make me gag. Brainstorm new tactics, get the kids involved, ask people to support me.”
Thoughts are the first currents of correctness to any lifestyle. Redirecting the energy to a result, you intend to live. Motivate your steps by being real enough not to compromise. Do what is right for yourself. Most importantly don’t be afraid to integrate an entirely new way into your life.
Remember TYTAX FAN is about supporting the whole family for a Planet of Champions who live a life of fitness. Let’s inspire one another by our successes that transformed failures.