What do you want your body to be able to do? Give it a moment and think about the inner motivation dialogue that gets you to pick up weights. It’s the quiet of your mind so, be real of the why? Let us brainstorm together.
Walk with a butt bounce like a boss. Leap the visual feet in the air like a cat. Move a downward sword arc ascent with such swiftness only Angels could see it. Workout in high heels to give yourself a super-powered spine.
Drawback a bow unleashing unparalleled precision. Open any jar.
Define Champion-Minded
Move any weight in supple grace. Hold your breath longer than Stig Severinsen. Sing the longest note with ease. Have the most healthy sexually satisfying life. Perform natural birth and recover a better body with each child. Put the exact amount of force into action to see the ultimate result. Disarm a contesting force in the blink of an eye.
Move through any competition with strategy formed by purpose-driven intensity. Your body is meant to be a Champion at every stage of life. It hosts the spirit of an indomitable will to perform the duty of destiny. You will discover this charged theme is like a mantra for me. I want to be surrounded by people of excellence. I define it as Champion-Minded Legacy Performance. People of purposeful passion driven to succeed at being the best for themselves and family into perpetuity.
TYTAX is Luxury
The energy of the determined to rise for the family is the hand I will grasp. Agendas promote misdirection to herd the mass of consumer profit into a specific direction of unsustainable gain — a flat wheel that keeps plowing through the mud. I like the customized visual of Bugatti sports finesse that realizes that luxury is the desire for excellence, not liberality.
TYTAX is my tool it represents excellence the luxury of my Maserati in an Ultimate Pro Gym that is within easy access in my home.
I love having my TYTAX in front of my stone fireplace at night I watch the flames and pull cables. I push past thoughts into the zone of a purpose-driven intensity of redefining my form by my rules for my ultimate benefit.
It promotes power to align myself with the elemental flame. Perhaps you could use a waterfall, stone fist in a bicep curl, or a large tree out of your window to hone the direction of movement focused. These are cues for the inner mindset to link with the muscle memory for successful imprinting. Promote your drive with purpose is the tip of the day.